Complaint Handling Procedure

Quality Solar Panels – Local Installer
Aussie Morden Solar is committed to providing excellent customer service and maintaining a healthy customer relationship at all levels. We have a Complaints Policy to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible.
As our customer, you are entitled to make a complaint to us. The following outlines our policy and procedures for the handling of verbal and written complaints. We manage the following types of complaints under this policy: A service OR solar energy system supplied and installed by Aussie Morden Solar, an Aussie Morden Solar employee or installer’s conduct.
What kinds of complaints can be made?
We deal with complaints related to our services including product dissatisfaction or poor customer service.
Lodging your complaint
If you have a complaint, the first step you should take is to contact us and try and resolve it directly.
Contact Us
SimonVickery – M 0499827081
Panna Vickery – M 0499837081
Email –
Handling your complaint
- Upon receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge your matter via telephone or in writing as soon as it’s raised. Issues that are more complex in nature will require further investigation and may take some more time.
- We will provide you feedback of your complaint within 21 days of receipt, If further investigation is required we will keep you informed of needing more time and will complete the investigation in no more than 45 days of the receipt of the complaint.
- If you are not satisfied with the outcome, we will put your complaint to a higher authority with the aim to arrive at a resolution you are happy with.
In case if you are not happy with final outcome you can escalate the complaint externally to any of the below state industry consumer protection organizations.
ACT – Office of Regulatory Services (02- 6207 3000)
NSW – Fair Trading (13 32 20)
NT – Consumer Affairs (1800 019 039)
QLD – Fair Trading (13 74 68)
SA – Consumer and Business services (13 18 82)
TAS – Consumer affairs and Fair Trading (1300 654 499)
VIC – Consumer Affairs (1300 558 181)
WA – Consumer Protection (1300 304 054)
Why Choose Aussie Modern Solar

Dedicated Support Line

Quick Turn-around Time

5 Years Workmanship Warranty